
'potential ERT Member' based on what evidence? Short hair?

Karen Brodie photographed a violent protester seen trashing a police car
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mollymotmot/4741238382/in/photostream/. (btw, check the rest of her uploads, she does really great work)

At 2010-07-02 there are a few comments posted to the Flickr picture. Is critical thinking being used?

Here are the comments left on Flickr:

1) S.2010 (18 hours ago)
Arcteryx (upper left arm sleeve )
The Arc'teryx LEAF ( Law Enforcement and Armed Forces) product line of equipment IS Composed Targeted To The Military and law enforcement markets . Although some item are Simply Their Counterparts in design to Civilian models, except items Arc'teryx Have Sucha ' s Tango and Charlie packs are made in camouflage patterns and Constructed to Military Specifications , Including Numerous PALS - type attachment loops and fabric featuring neutral and camouflage coloring. Due to dissatisfaction with the MOLLE gear , the United States Marine Corps thing Arc'teryx ' s Tango Design for Their new backpack , the ILBE .

2) tone balone (18 hours ago)
Wow, looks like a cop to me!

3) trinityofrtruth (6 hours ago)
potential ERT Member -task division as yet unclear

Here are my comments on these comments:

1) Arcteryx
1.1) True that Arcteryx makes a tactical product line. You can see it here: http://leaf.arcteryx.com/Product.aspx?Mens
1.2) the jacket the man is wearing is not part of that product line. You can see it is the Sidewinder SV jacket, that costs $650, here:
1.3) Most non-critical thinkers will accept S.2010's implication that the man is wearing law enforcement gear.

2) Looks like a cop
2.1) I see a man with short hair. Lots of cops have short hair. So do other people.
2.2) I see a man with a black backpack. Lots of cops have black backpacks. So do other people.
2.3) I see a man with a black hiking jacket. Cops wear black. So do goths and funeral directors.

3) Potential ERT member.
3.1) Here's a great shot of real ERT: http://www.specialunits.eu/images/Canada/Toronto%20ETF%20(22jan09).jpg
3.2) So based on a black coat, black backpack, short hair, and possibly physique, the poster has decided the man's career (cop) and specialty (ERT).
3.3) Applying the same level of critical thinking, I would suggest trinityofrtruth is a potential dyslexic Catholic priest.

Now in Montebello 2007, undercover cops were busted posing as potentially violent protesters.

However, in Toronto 2010, I find the common level of critical thinking demonstrated by these Flickr comments and elsewhere disheartening. So much for conclusive 'proof'.

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